Dona Pura e os Camaradas de Abril

Teatro Taborda, Lisboa.

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April 25 – An old dictatorial regime is overthrown, amidst many flowers and few shots. A man wanders the streets of a Lisbon he barely knows, in an inglorious search for the effervescence of the revolution. A group of friends celebrate April 25th on September 25th. The host, Natal, creatively reconstructs the events in order to emphasize his own involvement in the revolution. A group of African students wage a glorious fight to maintain the occupation of Casa de Macau. Under the shadow of colonial power, the girl Purificação is kidnapped by a powerful man, stripped of her ties and her past, subjected to the desires of a “little king” - the administrator of the municipality, simultaneously president of the chamber, municipal judge, head of the police officer and whatever else you want to be. On stage, events follow each other, violating the sequential chronology, like puzzle pieces of parallel memories, in different time horizons, which converge around carnations and freedom.


Original Text Germano Almeida
Dramaturgy Caplan Neves
Direction, Scenic Space and Artistic Direction João Branco
Interpretation Pedro Lamares, Matísia Rocha, Manuel Estevão and Sócrates Napoleão

Musical Direction Sócrates Napoleão
Movement and Costume Direction by Janaina Alves
Miss Universe Original Music
José Prata Sound Effects
Scenographer Manuel Estevão
Drawing by Luz César Fortes
Graphic Design Nuno Miranda and João Branco

Photography by Scene Pedro Sardinha (FITEI)
Support for the Writing Residency Caboverdiana Association of Lisbon
Support for the Creation Residence CRL Central Elétrica, Armazém22
Support for the creation of costumes and scenography Teatro do Noroeste / CDV

Production Saaraci Coletivo Teatral
Production, broadcast and promotion National Show Company

Portuguese Republic – Culture / General Directorate of Arts and
Commemorative Committee 50 years April 25th

Host by
Teatro da Garagem

With support of Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, EGEAC, Junta de Freguesia de Santa Maria Maior
Financed by Direção-Geral das Artes, Governo de Portugal | Ministério da Cultura

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Show duration: 85'

+351 218854190 | +351 924213570